Young Adult

These are programs that the SL Library is promoting for this fall and winter. Some of the programs will be held at the HS library during Flex Time. Sign up is required for all programs. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, this webpage and check at school for the program sign-up for Flex Time. (dates, times and place will be filled in soon.)

March – Craft Time! We will be making a dice bunny to celebrate EASTER.

April – Make Mother’s Day Key Chains!

Volunteer Opportunities

Silver Lake Library’s 2025 Summer Reading program is coming fast! If you are in going into or are in Jr. High or High School you are able to volunteer at the library. Volunteering teaches responsibility, teamwork, and problem solving. Volunteer time can be a source of help for grants which help you with college and future jobs. Volunteering at the library for a consistent period of time will give you a positive reference for future applications.

If you are interested in volunteering at the library for 2025 Summer Reading.

Please sign-up HERE:

Volunteering is the lifeblood of our communities. – Michelle Obama