Emergency Preparedness Policy
Emergency Preparedness Policy
Emergency Numbers:
First call 9 1 1
Police 785-582-5162
Fire 785-582-4667
Library Director, Nikki Womack Cell 785-215-0676
Youth Services Librarian, Tracey DeShazo Home 785-582-5801 Cell 785-213-5836
Board President, Mike Mitchell cell 785-221-0080
Township Trustee, Georgia Ransone 785-582-4523
A. Fire
Don’t panic. At first indication of smoke or flame, investigate the situation to determine location and extent of the fire. If the fire can obviously be contained and extinguished quickly and safely by staff, proceed to do so. If there is any doubt about whether the fire can be controlled, call 911 immediately and clear the building.
Fire extinguishers are located: 1. Left side of the east front door [children’s area]; 2. Left side of the Employees Only door [Big Bird door]
B. Health
Don’t panic. Exercise caution when administering first aid of even a minor nature because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability of the staff member. Best practice is to keep the sick or injured person comfortable and protected from needless disturbance until medical help arrives. Since each case is unique, staff members should use their own judgment to do what is prudent and reasonable. If person is unconscious, or cannot communicate or stand on their own, or is bleeding profusely, call 911 immediately.
A First Aid Kit is located at the circulation desk. No medication, including aspirin or first aid crème, should be dispensed to the public.
C. Severe Weather
Don’t panic. If a tornado warning is issued or sirens are blown, alert patrons of the warning. Patrons must decide if they will leave or take shelter at the library. The basement should be an option for both staff and patrons. Take the Emergency Kit that includes flashlight if taking shelter in the basement area.
If there is an impending blizzard or ice storm, closing will be at the discretion of the Library Director.
D. Threats of Violence
Don’t panic. It is important to remember that threats of violence including active shooter incidents are unpredictable and rapidly evolving events. Therefore no procedure can guarantee the safety of those involved.
Call 911. Describe the situation giving the location of perpetrator(s) and others in the area.
If possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so. Do not attempt to flee if perpetrator is between you and the exit.
Attempting to overcome the perpetrator by force or attempting to negotiate may be very dangerous and should only be initiated in the most extreme circumstances.
Wait for “all clear” instructions from an emergency first responder.